Farsi Meditation



Here we present various talks by Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga  practitioners about the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, its practices, its clearing and balancing and techniques.

To Be In Meditation

Shri Mataji explains how to be in meditation after we receive our Self Realisation.

Spiritual Ascent through Meditation

Meditation is a state of our evolution process through Self Realisation. Learn more about the Subtle and how to clear and balance the chakras.

Self Realization Experience

Awakening Kundalini Energy With Meditation

Left Channel

This rises along the left side of the spine but at the forehead it crosses into the right hemisphere of the brain to become the superego. It is concerned with emotion, the past, insecurity, conditioning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause depression and many painful diseases.

Problem of Ego

Shri Mataji talks about our Ego which is located on the right side of our subtle system.

How to balance the power of the right side channel

Shri Mataji talks in-depth about our the Right side – the Ego.

8 Minute Meditation – With music and mantras

Short meditation with instructions and music. The beautiful music and mantras will help clear the chakras and thoughts, for a more peaceful and quiet meditation.

2 minute Sahaja Yoga Meditation by Shri Mataji

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you”. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The Subtle System